Monday, 15 December 2014

Blogmas Day 15 - My Pamper Evening Routine

Hello my lovelies and welcome to blogmas day 15! Todays post is quite fitting as it is something that I will be doing tonight and most nights in winter. When it's cold, windy and raining outside and pretty much disgusting there is nothing better then getting back from work and having a pamper evening. So today's post is on my pamper routine, let me know in the comments what you like to do on your pamper evenings.

Hot Chocolate
As soon as I'm back home and through the door the first thing I will do is stick the kettle on and make myself a nice hot chocolate. Current favourites are Galaxy (classic), Maltesers and Whispa although as long as it's chocolaty then I'm good to go. I will then enjoy this whilst flicking through social media on my laptop or reading a magazine. There is a pretty high chance that I will also be eating a biscuit or some chocolate at the time.

Afterwards I then grab a face wipe and take off any make-up. I use the Simple Kind to Skin face wipes to do this. I can't express how good that feeling is once you've taken off your make-up and you can just relax.

I will then run myself a nice warm bath, it has to be warm so that it will stay hot for at least half an hour. You may have noticed from previous blog posts in November that I may have gone a little crazy on bath bombs and bath products. I now have a basket of products from Lush and Trinite Village that I am now using up. I can't express how happy I am when I go to my basket to chose a product, it's just like Christmas every day. Today I used the remaining section of my Lush Christmas Hedgehog - I got four baths out of that one so you definitely get your moneys worth out of the bubble bars. I will also light some candles just to make it feel super relaxing. I just find candles so therapeutic and a great way to switch off and relax. I think people think I have a problem when it comes to buying candles. I love lying in the bath when you can here the wind and rain outside, it's so relaxing just to know that you're all warm and cosy inside.

After my bath I will change into my pyjamas. I could honestly quite happily live in my pyjamas. I don't know why but I have always loved them and if people ask me if there is anything that I would like for Christmas then I will always say pyjamas. I love warm, cozy joggers with cute Christmas pattens on.

Face time
I will then use a cleansing face pack. I have currently been enjoying the Angels On Bare Skin one from Lush as it removes any impurities in your skin and it leaves your skin feeling super soft. I love the Lush skin products as they are full of natural products so you don't need to worry about coming out all red and blotchy. I will then cleanse and tonne my face using my Simple products. You can click here to read my Simple Skin Care Routine from a previous post. The best part of my Skin routine is finishing up with the moisturiser. I love this part as I just feel that I'm doing my skin some good and restoring any moisture. I am currently and will probably continue to forever use the Simple Light moisturiser. I love this moisturiser as it's really gentle and moisturising yet it soaks into your skin quickly so it doesn't feel heavy or sticky on your face.

Screen time
After dinner I will then either watch a film - currently I am working my way through my Christmas films collection. My favourite has to be Love Actually, it's just a classic light comedy and feel good festive film. If I'm not watching a film then theres a high chance I'm blogging seeing as it's Blogmas. I will curl up in my duvet with my laptop and some chocolate to write my blog post. I love blogging it's just a way to relax and get your thoughts written down.

Thats about it for my winter pamper routine. Let me know in the comments what you like to do for yours. Thank you for reading my lovelies.

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