Sunday, 6 December 2015

Blogmas Day 6 - The Most Productive Day

Hello my lovelies and a Happy Sunday to you all! I have honestly had the most productive day it's definitely been a bit of a Miranda 'What Have You Done Today To Make You Feel Proud' kinda day. So today after breakfast I did a bit of blog work followed by a bit of classic Sunday baking. Although no baking was actually involved. I made some raw chocolate brownies which I personally love and they have become a bit of a staple in our house. These taste like the most indulgent chocolate brownies yet they are 100% healthy and good for you. All they contain are dates, pecans and cacao powder and they are packed full of goodness and good for energy over the cold winter months. I never realised how amazing cacao powder is; it contains antioxidants, more fibre then oats, it's high in magnesium and iron and it contains more potassium then bananas. How have I not discovered this earlier and why do people not use it more often? It literally tastes like chocolate yet it's so beneficial for you. Afterwards we did some cleaning and sorting before enjoying an amazing Amaretti coffee and opening a box full of dreams. Last week I did my annual Lush Christmas order where I go way OTT yet I have no regrets. I bulk buy on the Christmas range and it will honestly last me for over a year. Today I opened the box and took a few pictures for my blog which I cannot wait to write a blogpost on; I'm literally buzzing with excitement. I would insert a picture but I'm saving it for a separate post. The house smelt amazing and it felt like Christmas day.

After lunch we did a bit more sorting and did the monthly chore of checking our cars for oil, water and all that malarky. It has to be done so a good job done. We attempted a winter walk take two and failed again so as a compromise we treated ourselves to a Sunday afternoon fudge hot chocolate. 

We then made a start on Christmas wrapping up which is one of my favourite things to do before Christmas. Candles, christmas music and fairy lights what more could you need? I finished off my Sunday chores and I am now wrapped up admiring the mantle piece whilst finishing off this blog post. I have also enjoyed a Lush bath using my caramel gold fun from last year - heaven. 

I have had the perfect festive three day weekend, role on the festivities. I cannot believe we only have 19 sleeps to go now. Enjoy your evenings my lovelies.


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