L - R: Butterscotch Sundae, Pink Lemonade, Acai Smoothie |
L - R: Butterscotch Sundae, Pink Lemonade, Acai Smoothie |
Hello my lovelies, I have a lovely Spring blog post for you all today that leaves me feeling all warm and gooey inside. I love painting my nails; always have and I always will. Those of you that have followed my blog for a while now will know that Barry M is a personal favourite of mine. It is cheap and affordable yet the quality of the nail paints is inanely good. They have the biggest range of colours, formulations and finishes to chose from such as the original collection, gelly, matte, sunset, speedy, glitterati and aquarium ranges. I am totally unashamed to admit that I have a draw of nail polishes dedicated to Barry M. My personal favourite are the Gelly nail polishes. The Gelly paints have a slightly thicker formulation as they are based on the fact that they appear to be a proper gel nail paint where you can set your nails using UV light. The Gelly's are amazingly shinny and glossy. Most of the time I don't even bother with a top coat. Yes I know I'm lazy. They are also pretty chip resistant. I recon that there is the greatest range of colours for the Gelly collection and Barry M are constantly creating new beauties to join their amazing and vast collection. I have so many shades that an uneducated nail lover would look at the draw and say "Do you really need six nudes that look exactly the same?" The answer my lovelies will always be "Yes" as we know that they aren't the same and are all equally as gorgeous and need to be appreciated for different days, outfits and seasons.
True to form Barry M were quick off the marks to release their Spring 2016 collection. This collection excited me immensely and I was straight down to Boots to pick these up. It is probably the collection that has excited me the most over the years. I have never known myself to drop everything and go to Boots just for nail polishes before.
Barry M realised four gelly nail paints and I picked up three of the four. First of all thank you Barry M for going down the pastel nude road. Spring is one of my favourite seasons for nail polishes it is packed full of pastels and prettiness. I already own pretty much every pastel shade under the sun so it was refreshing to see a Spring nail collection that featured heavily on the nude side. Very sophisticated may I add. Perfect for the start of my third decade in my twenties. Nudes are perfect as they go with every outfit, you can't go wrong with them; unless like me you manage to get black pen on your nails.
The shades I picked up were
Pink Lemonade (pale pink nude),
Butterscotch Sundae (pale golden brown nude) and
Acai Smoothie (subtle pale taupe purple). The final shade in the collection is called
Cream Soda which is a pale creamy shade with light green undertones to it, similar to Shore Thing by Essie. Totally honest I have mixed feelings about this one as I have seen some pictures on social media where I think it looks gorgeous and others where I'm not sure. Having said that I instantly fell in love with the three that I picked up. The hardest decision was debating which to wear first. After wearing all three shades my love for the shades has grown and I am full to bursting point. For weeks I have been quite boring as all I have been doing is alternating between the three shades but I just can't help myself.
On a side note can we also just take the time to appreciate how adorable the names of these nail polishes are. Super, super cute! Barry M always turn up trumps with their styling.
Pink Lemonade
Pink Lemonade - two coats and a top coat |
This was the first shade that I trialled. It is a gorgeous nude pale pink. You're probably thinking what's special about this one then? Well, it has a slightly warm tone to it making it perfect for Spring/Summer. Personally I think pale pinks with a cooler tone are more suited to winter. The fact this nail polish has warm tones will make it look really pretty alongside white tops and t-shirts that are essential for Spring without washing you out. It's a gorgeous shade and it is really easy to wear. I would also add it is more pink in reality but it was a tricky one to photograph to get the true shade.
Butterscotch Sundae
Butterscotch Sundae - two coats and a top coat |
You may be thinking that this one looks identical to Pink Lemonade. I promise you they are different. Butterscotch Sundae is a pale brown nude with a gold tone. Again this also makes it a warm shade to wear. These warm shades are great for making your hands look more tanned then they are and are therefore perfect for that awkward transition into Spring/Summer where you're starting to de-layer and expose flesh yet this flesh hasn't had a chance to see the sun since last summer as it has been quite happily hibernating. I'm going to stop typing the word flesh now. I would say that it is most similar to an older gelly shade that is another personal favourite of mine called Lychee although it is lighter and more golden.
Acai Smoothie
I would say that I have probably worn this nail polish the most. It is the hybrid of Spring combining nudes and pastels. I call it a hybrid as it isn't a true pastel purple. The polish is too dark and less bright to be a pastel yet too warm to be a pure nude as it has that added colour. Although I would still call it a beautiful and sophisticated neutral shade that is equally as easy to wear as the above shades. Nudes are so easy as they go with every outfit although purple can be harder to incorporate to outfits. I thought I would struggle yet so far so good.
Thank you for reading this blog post my lovelies. If you are a fellow nail lover then I think you may have enjoyed it. Let me know in the comments if you have these polishes and what your favourite shades are. I personally love Barry M and I have been tickled pink by yet another gorgeous collection. Normally I find it easy to chose a favourite shade, two seconds boom. However with this collection I honestly can't chose a favourite. My nail polish collection is continually expanding into multiple draws but I don't think there is anything wrong with that.