Good afternoon my lovelies. So recently I have experienced an incredibly naughty and slightly on the large side high street beauty haul/ This was 100% a spontaneous expense. Does anyone else do that they aim to go and get one thing and some how come away with like 20 items yet not that one thing that they needed to buy. I needed a toothbrush and did I buy one? No. Although I did manage to pick up a lot of other gems that I thought I would share with you all.
Superdrug Face Packs

I don't know about anyone else but for many years face packs have seemed to fizzle away and organic moisturisers, serums and gels have seem to have taken their place. Having said that I saw theses new face packs and turned into an excited child and grabbed one of each type before having a serious think and putting some back, I say some I mean one or two, possibly three max. I think the problem was that there was a three for two offer on the face packs and giving that they're such good value of 99p each it felt like I wasn't spending money. This is really bad I know as it soon mounts up. My Mum also picked up three as well so we must have looked dead keen staggering up with nine face packs. Another cause for this random splurge was the discovery of a couple of very old face packs in my skin care draw which I didn't want to risk using in the fear of waking up the next day and looking like a pepperoni pizza. Seeing as these were on a good offer I thought it would be rude not to at least try one or two, or maybe six. Although I think of face packs as being quite a 90s thing I have seen them start to crop up and snowball around the beauty blogging world so you never know they could be about to make a dramatic come back. There are loads of other masks to try but I had to try and restrain myself before I spent £30 on face masks which would have been very easy to do.
Cucumber Cooling Clay Mask - I always think that along with Aloe Vera, Cucumber is a classic ingredient in a face pack. Seeing as it's mainly water you feel that it's very natural, pure and gentle on the skin, it's a face pack classic. This pack claims to be ideal for sensitive skin as it is meant to be refreshing and soothing - just what you think of cucumber being when you eat it. Clay masks tend to go try and solid once on your face and are really satisfying to wash off, or is that just me?
White Chocolate Mouse Mask - I have an extremely strong love for white chocolate at the moment, along with caramel it's my new sweet obsession. So when I saw it in a face pack I thought I just had to buy it and which girl would say no to chocolate? This pack is meant to cleanse and nourish your skin. It contains cocoa and shea butter which are really moisturising and nourishing for your skin so this would be ideal for those of you with dry skin. I think this creamy mask will leave your skin feeling super soft afterwards.
Tropical Smoothie Self-Heating Mask - I have a strong love for fruit I could quite happily live off it. I just thought this one would smell amazing and I love the colour of it. I probably didn't need this one but it just looked fun. It contains apricot, pacha and mango oils so it will be full of fruity goodness.
Yoghurt Smoothie Mask - This mask would suit those of you with dry skin, something I don't suffer from luckily, well yet anyway but this one appealed to be because of the ingredients. Honey and yoghurt is my favourite thing to have for breakfast along with fruit and if it's good for your body, surely it's good for your skin. I'm sure theres logic there somewhere.
Dead Sea Purifying Clay Mask - This one doesn't sound as exciting or even pleasant to smear across your skin but I picked this one up as it's designed for oily and blemished skin which is what my skin definitely is right now.
Superfruits Exfoliating Mask - This one is ideal for all skin types. I definitely didn't buy this one because it's purple and contains all my favourite fruits, maybe.
Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Daily Face Scrub

I'm not sure if this is going to sound disgusting or not but previously every morning I would wash my face with a flannel and water but I never used any kind of face soap or cleansing product, please don't judge me. Recently doing longer and extra hours at work has started to take it's toll on my skin which has resulted in me experiencing more outbreaks of spots which isn't pleasant for anyone. This daily face scrub is designed to help eliminate spots. I have used this everyday since purchasing this and it has been incorporated into my everyday skincare routine. The pink grapefruit scent is a new addition to the original but I love the taste and smell of pink grapefruit and this just leaves my skin feeling really refreshed in the mornings. I have since gone on to carry on experiencing spots and blemishes but I think that will happen until all the rubbish has been cleared from my skin but I am noticing a gradual improvement in my skin and I think a no make-up day today will do my skin the world of good. This only cost me £4.95 but I know that it will last me a long time as you only need a small amount so you will definitely get your moneys worth.
Superdrug Cotton Wool Oval Pads
This isn't an exciting purchase but I also picked these cotton wool pads up to remove the face wash. I find these are the perfect size for my face - not too big or too small. You get a decent amount in a pack, 50 which will keep you going. These cost me £1.89 and it was just a boring but necessary purchase to be honest.
Tresemme Platinum Strength Serum and Moisture Control 60 Second Treatment Shot Pack

Again these next two products aren't the most exciting of products but I just happened to be running low so whilst I saw them I thought I would grab them as for some reason when ever I go to get these they always seem to be sold out. Both are holy grail products as far as my hair care routine is concerned. I apply the serum after washing my hair and it's supposed to make your hair stronger and prevent breakage leading to split ends which is always a disadvantage that comes with straightening your hair. It is proved at £5.99 but I find that it will last me months and months and I wouldn't be without it. The treatment shots were a discovery from a glossy box. I use one a week so a box lasts me a month. You massage these into your hair after washing it with shampoo and like the name suggest you leave it in for 60 seconds and then wash it out. I'm not even joking my hair feels so nourished and glossy after using this I feel as if it rejuvenates my hair which lasts for days not just one day after washing your hair. A pack of four will cost you £5.49 but it is definitely worth it if like me you're always conscious of your hair feeling dry, dull and damaged.
Aussie No Rush Body Wash
I have always known Aussie has a hair product brand but recently they have brought out their own bath and shower products. They have brought out as far as I'm aware four different types and I picked up the one called no rush which is meant for a pamper sessions. I'm not even joking but it smells incredible! The scent is described as Jojoba seeds but to be honest all Aussie products remind me of fresh smelling sweets. I would describe this one as similar to parma violets and it's purple so whats not to love about it. The other three also smelt amazing so even if you don't buy any it's worth just giving these a sniff if you're ever in Superdrug. It was priced at £2.99 which isn't bad value either.
Clear Poly Hair Bands
For those of you who have been reading my blog for a long time you will all know that I am the least adventurous person when it comes to my hair. It's either down straight or shoved up for work. So recently I made a pack to myself to be more adventurous with my hair and I'm king to try new styles including incorporating plates. So I thought these would come in handy and I couldn't find any in my draws so I thought I would invest in some new ones rather then ones that have lost all their elastic. You get 50 in this pack so they should last a decent amount of time but like with hair grips and bands they always some how go missing. I picked these up for £2.09 - bit of a random price but we'll go with it.
Loreal Infallible 24 Hour Matte Foundation and Real Techniques Stippling Brush

For those of you who have followed my blog for a long time will no that I am incredibly stuck in my ways when it comes to foundation. Same old story I'm afraid - I have very oily and blemished skin so I look for a high coverage foundation yet most liquid including liquid matte foundations leave me looking oily and sweaty after five seconds. Even with a tonne of powder that just looks cakey and unnatural. My holy grail foundation is the Maybelline Dream Matte Mouse - what a classic. I had just given up trying new foundations to be honest but recently I have read some amazing blog posts raving about the new Loreal liquid matte foundation and for some strange reason I was feeling brave and I pushed the boat up and picked it up. I got this in the shade 10 Porcelain and wait for it - I actually love it! It feels so soft on the skin and it provides a high, natural looking coverage and it doesn't leave me looking cakey. I can't believe that I have discovered a new foundation I am actually dead chuffed with it. I haven't worn it for 24 hours so whether it lasts that long I don't know. I doubt it though I don't think that any of the foundations claiming to last 24 hours will actually last the time length to the same degree to what you started with. You can get one of these for £7.99 and I highly recommend that you check this out. I think I'm going to do a full blog post on this soon, it just deserves more credit.
I also picked up a new Real Techniques brush to apply the foundation with as my mouse foundation i just blend in with my finger but I think that liquid foundations look more natural buffed into your face using a flat bottomed brush. By this I mean I don't like brushes which are called foundation brushes which look like paint brushes. I find them quite awkward to use as I find it difficult to blend the foundation naturally without looking streaky. I love Real Techniques brushes anyway they are really soft and they are of a good quality so you aren't left with hairs all over your face. They are a little on the pricy side compared to other high street make-up brushes but they are 100% worth the extra money. This one is also pink so whats not to love? I think this is the perfect shape for foundation as it's small and flat bottomed allowing you to buff the foundation to blend it naturally and you can get into creases as well. You can pick one of these brushes up for £10.99 and I would definitely suggest the whole of the Real Techniques collection as if you haven't discovered them before it will change your world in terms of applying make-up.
Strawberry Carmex

Another little random product for you all - a new lip balm. I use to have a little obsession with buying lip balms but who hasn't? Surely every teenage girl went through a stage where they brought way too many lip balms all of different flavours which would then sit there going mouldy and out of date as you didn't physically have time to use them all. I currently have two lip balms on the go and for me I think that's pretty modest. The other lip balm is another Carmex one which is in a pot and it's the cherry one which I am addicted to the scent of. Working in retail I'm often handling money and I don't like the idea of dipping your finger in the pot and then on your lips if you've been handling coins all days it's not very practical to go off and wash your hands every time you want to put lip balm on because you have dry lips. So I thought I'd invest in a Carmex tube - I love the word tube, and this one is in the strawberry scent which isn't to sickly so I was pleasantly surprised. It's just a handy lip balm to use on the go. I love the Carmex lip balms as they are really nourishing and they don't make your lips drier which some lip balms are designed to do with a special chemical - don't ask me which one, to make you use the lip balm more - fun fact for you. You can pick one of these up for £2.69.
Collection Eyes Uncovered Nude Pallet and Lasting Perfection Concealer

Finally, I had a little splurge at the Collection counter. A few years ago I don't know why but I never really looked at Collection I just ignored it. I think I just thought because it was a cheaper brand the quality wasn't as good however, saying that I have discovered more and more amazing products from Collection and the fact that it's cheaper should be seen as a bonus and not a negative. Collection have recently brought out three Eyes Uncovered pallets all full of natural shades. I picked up one in Nude which has warm tonnes, there is also a bronze shimmery one which I am tempted to go back and pick up as I think it would be amazing for evening eye make-up and the third is a cool tonne grey pallet which reminds me of the Naked 2 Basis which I already own so I didn't pick that one up. I think I may do a separate blog post on this but to sum it up there are six neutral shades two matte and four which are mainly matte with a hint of shimmer. I also love the fact that each shade has an individual name and the fact that these are all chocolate and coffee related is just perfect for me it just makes me love it even more. This will be a perfect everyday pallet which is very natural and wearable but it will give your eyes that something extra. It is also the perfect handbag size for on the go touch ups. I will be honest I did dispose of the cheap sponge brush as I just struggle to use them but just looking at how cute it is means I can get over that quickly. These are priced at £3.99 which is pretty good if you ask me and I won't be surprised if I end up going back and picking up the bronze shades.
The last product that I picked up is a cult classic - it's the ever so famous Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in the shade 2 cool medium. This is my holy grail concealer and I could always do with more so I thought I would stock up. This is perfect for covering up dark circles under the eyes and it has extremely high coverage so its also good for covering up spots and blemishes too. This is priced at £4.19 and it has gone up in value over the years but it has just been a classic raved about by beauty bloggers ever since it came out and I recon it will continue to be until it's ever discontinued which it better not be. I honestly don't know what I would do without this bad boy in the morning. After using this concealer it restores faith in me that we can proceed with the day without looking like a spotty panda.
I hope you enjoyed this incredibly long blog post my lovelies. Let me know in the comments if you have tried any of these products and what you thought of them. I would also love to know what new discoveries you have recently picked up and have been loving. Enjoy your evening I hope you all have that Friday feeling.